Back to School with
More Math Confidence

Expert coaching and AI practice designed by a teacher to get your child winning again.

Start Free Trial

Loved by
500+ Learners

Back to School with More Math Confidence

Expert coaching and AI practice designed by a teacher to get your child winning again.

Start Free Trial

Loved by
500+ Learners

Supports All


Study Anywhere


Flexible Plans
For Your Goals

Goblins is expert coaching,
to the power of AI practice.

We pair your child with a coach who designs a learning path for them.

Your child’s coach will be an expert in your child’s curriculum and can pick the best path for your goals.

We send regular AI practice to help your child meet their goals.

Students just need to download the app on their device, log in, and start solving! Can be daily, twice-weekly, whatever your goals.

We help you figure out their strengths and gaps, and then help fill them in.

After each session, you’ll get an updated report on your child’s mastery, and how they’re pacing.

Build Confidence, Fast
with Tighter Learning Loops

Finally, AI that works for math students, designed by a math teacher.

We’ve designed novel AI technologies that afford a learning dynamic this is both more effective and more efficient.

Students solve problems naturally.

No more tedious math inputs: Goblins lets students draw, speak, or type, which is accessible and feels as natural as working with you one-on-one.

They get the right mix of accountability and automation.

Goblins’ instant practice gives students more practice time overall, whenever, and their coach ensures they stay on track.

Tighter learning loops and stronger conceptual understanding.

Real-time, granular feedback as students work means way faster learning and more opportunities to build intuition for “why”.

Build Confidence, Fast
with Tighter Learning Loops

We’ve designed novel AI technologies that afford a learning dynamic this is both more effective and more efficient.

Students solve problems naturally.

No more tedious math inputs: Goblins lets students draw, speak, or type, which is accessible and feels as natural as working with you one-on-one.

They get the right mix of accountability and automation.

Goblins’ instant practice gives students more practice time overall, whenever, and their coach ensures they stay on track.

Tighter learning loops and stronger conceptual understanding.

Real-time, granular feedback as students work means way faster learning and more opportunities to build intuition for “why”.

Watch Students
Get Smarter With Goblins


"I finally feel like I can get it. I hated math for so long."


"I finally feel like I can get it. I hated math for so long."


"I finally feel like I can get it. I hated math for so long."


"Goblins actually teaches me. It knows what I need to know."


"Goblins actually teaches me. It knows what I need to know."


"Goblins actually teaches me. It knows what I need to know."


"Goblins makes learning math fun."


"Goblins makes learning math fun."


"Goblins makes learning math fun."


"I finally feel like I can get it. I hated math for so long."


"I finally feel like I can get it. I hated math for so long."


"I finally feel like I can get it. I hated math for so long."


"Goblins doesn't give me the answer, but it helps me get the answer myself. Which is even better."


"Goblins doesn't give me the answer, but it helps me get the answer myself. Which is even better."


"Goblins doesn't give me the answer, but it helps me get the answer myself. Which is even better."


"My grades are so much higher now."


"My grades are so much higher now."


"My grades are so much higher now."

Why Parents ❤️ Goblins


Parent of 8th Grader

"Incredibly cool technology. My son loves using it.”


Parent of 8th Grader

"Incredibly cool technology. My son loves using it.”


Parent of 8th Grader

"Incredibly cool technology. My son loves using it.”


Parent of 9th Grader

"Goblins gives my kid the push she needs, but gets them great feedback with AI too. Perfect medium."


Parent of 9th Grader

"Goblins gives my kid the push she needs, but gets them great feedback with AI too. Perfect medium."


Parent of 9th Grader

"Goblins gives my kid the push she needs, but gets them great feedback with AI too. Perfect medium."


Parent of 7th Grader

"I loved being able to pick my own plan."


Parent of 7th Grader

"I loved being able to pick my own plan."


Parent of 7th Grader

"I loved being able to pick my own plan."


Parent of 7th Grader

"My child is finally enjoying math class again. Amazing!"


Parent of 7th Grader

"My child is finally enjoying math class again. Amazing!"


Parent of 7th Grader

"My child is finally enjoying math class again. Amazing!"


Parent of 9th Grader

"The prices we were seeing for tutors was eye-popping. This is so much more affordable, and most importantly, it also works!"


Parent of 9th Grader

"The prices we were seeing for tutors was eye-popping. This is so much more affordable, and most importantly, it also works!"


Homeschooler (7th)

"The thought of trying to find my daughter another tutor was daunting. Goblins made it easy."


Homeschooler (7th)

"The thought of trying to find my daughter another tutor was daunting. Goblins made it easy."


Parent of 10th Grader

"My kid was months behind, and is all caught up now. Really good stuff."


Parent of 10th Grader

"My kid was months behind, and is all caught up now. Really good stuff."


Parent of 6th Grader

"My child has dysgraphia, so we love that he can just draw."


Parent of 6th Grader

"My child has dysgraphia, so we love that he can just draw."

Designed by a
Former Math Teacher

There were 30 students,
but only one of me.

Every student had gaps in different places, and I wished for something that would allow me to give my students high-quality, individualized attention as they worked.

I designed Goblins with them in mind, knowing that that it had to be super engaging, strong at building conceptual foundation, and fun to use. And I'm proud to say that's Goblins today.

Sawyer, CEO of Goblins

One Flat Price
for Unlimited Gains

Private tutoring

Quality Varies

Engaging if They Connect

Depends on Availability

No Goal Guarantees

Has Specialties


Super Effective Practice

Accountability from Coach

Use Whenever, Wherever

Guaranteed Success

Good at All Math

Guarantee: Raise them a letter grade, or your money back!

Start Free Trial

Any questions?

What ages do you support?

We're currently serving all students aged 10 to 18.

How often will my child be practicing? Is it flexible?

Part of our goal is to help you reach your goals! So we'll work backwards to determine how much practice they'll need. Some students practice daily; others weekly.

What if my child misses a day?

We'll adjust! We'll do slightly longer practices the next few days to make up for it.

How effective is the AI practice?

Extremely. We find that it is equivalent to a 1-1 session with a high-quality tutor. 30 minutes with Goblins' practice is equivalent.

Will the content/curriculum be scaled to my child's ability?

Yes, Goblins is very good at deciding which content to show your student, even on a per-second basis.

Will the content/curriculum align with their schools'?

Almost certainly. Our content is very similar to a popular curriculum known as Illustrative Mathematics, and it was designed by a former teacher.

How can I view my child’s performance?

We'll text or email you reports regularly (you can opt out), especially when we want to bring to your attention a big win or flag places that should get extra attention.

What if my child has a learning disability or a condition that hampers learning?

This is often where Goblins most shines. Goblins is often especially effective for students with ADHD because of the instant feedback it provides, which is more stimulating than class. Students with dyscalculia, dysgraphia, or dyslexia often enjoy the accessible use of the microphone and audio playback, and also the opportunity to get practice at their own pace.

How much will I have to motivate my child?

Your child should be generally on board with the idea of improving their math learning, since no coach can make that appear out of nowhere. But we will stoke the flame and get it burning brighter.